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Terms and Conditions


1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTCs”) govern the legal relations between AS 2031 s.r.o. (the “Lessor”) registered at
Sázavská 2031/32
Praha 2 – Vinohrady
Czech Republic
Company Identification Number: 04104765
Tax ID: CZ04104765

and the Lessee, related to the lease of Vitae Light 3-in-1 LED light source (hereinafter referred to as “Leased Item 1”) and lamp E27 (hereinafter “Leased Item 2”). For the purpose of these GTCs, the term “Leased Item” refers to Leased Item 1 and Leased Item 2 both individually and jointly depending on the extent of the lease.

2. The provisions contained in these GTCs comprehensively regulate the content and conditions of the lease relationship between the Lessor and the Lessee. By acceptance the GTCs and by completing a binding online order of Leased Item, the Lessee concludes a lease agreement with
the Lessor in accordance with paragraph 1.

3. Lessee is not entitled to transfer any rights and obligations under the lease to a third party without the prior written consent of the Lessor. The Lessee is not entitled to sublease theLeased Object or any part thereof to any third party.

4. The Lessee shall notify the Lessor of any damage, loss or destruction of the Leased Item without undue delay.

The Lease

1. The Lessee undertakes to pay the Lessor the rent for the Leased Item 1 in the amount of CZK 49 per month. The rent is stated with VAT.

2. The Lessee undertakes to pay the Lessor the rent for the Leased Item 2 in the amount of CZK 45 per month. The rent is stated with VAT.

3. The monthly rent is deducted at the end of each month. The first rent is hence deducted 30 days after the initial one-off security deposit payment and subsequently on the same day each month.

4. The Lessee pays the rent for the entire period of use of the Leased Item until the termination of the Lease. The Lessee undertakes to pay the rent by card as a recurrent automatic monthly payment. The Lessee can terminate the Lease. The Lease is terminated if the Lessee returns the Leased Item to the Lessor in the condition described in the section “Lease Period” of these GTCs. If the Lessee cannot use the Leased Item for reasons not on the part of the Lessor (i.e. in case of damage, destruction, loss or theft of the Leased Item), within 3 days of such event the Lessee shall inform the Lessor describing the incident, filling and submitting the Damage
Protocol provided by the Lessor and paying the Lessor the damages. Damages also include the purchase of a new Leased Item or the rent for the time of the repair of the Leased Item.

5. Upon the Lessee’s delay in rent payment, the Lessor shall be entitled to withdraw from the Lease agreement, namely 7 calendar days after the reminder sent to the Lessee in the form of an e-mail message or SMS. Upon the delivery of the Lease Termination Letter in the form of an e-mail or SMS to the Lessee, the Lessor may use the Lessee’s one-off security deposit as compensation for the damage, destruction, loss or theft of the Leased Item, to pay the Lessee’s unpaid rent, as well as to pay any other obligations of the Lessee to the Lessor (see below).

The Deposit

1. The Lessee pays a one-off deposit (monetary security) for Leased Item 1 in the amount of XY EUR excl. VAT to the Lessor after the conclusion of the Lease Contract.

2. The Lessee pays a one-off deposit (monetary security) for Leased Item 2 in the amount of XY EUR excl. VAT to the Lessor after the conclusion of the Lease Contract.

3. The Lessee shall pay the security deposit upon receipt of the payment request online during the online checkout process.

4. The Lessor is entitled to retain the deposit for the payment to compensate for Lessee’s unpaid rent, for any damage, destruction, loss or theft of the Leased Item and for any other obligations of the Lessee towards the Lessor, as well as any other damage (hereinafter referred to as the “Claims”). The Lessor is obliged to return the Lessee the difference between the Claims and the deposit paid at the termination of the Lease. The Lessee is not entitled to interest on the Deposit.

Shipping and Delivery Costs

1. The Lessee shall pay the Lessor the costs associated with the packaging and transport of the Leased Item according to the chosen method of delivery and the price list of the selected carrier.

Period of the Lease

1. The Lease shall be concluded for an indefinite period.

2. The Lease Period shall commence on the date on which the Leased Item was prepared for handover to the Lessee under the lease agreement or handed over to the Lessee at the Lessor’s premises, whichever occurred first, or on the day when the Leased Item was handed
over to the carrier for delivery.

3. The Lease Period ends on the day when the Lessee hands over to the Lessor the Leased Item in the state specified in the handover protocol, taking into account the usual wear and tear during proper use. The Contracting Parties shall draw up a handover protocol on the return of the Leased Goods, which shall record the state of the Leased Item and its accessories upon its return.

Warranty Claims

1. The Lessee is obliged to notify the Lessor of any damage, loss or destruction of the Leased Item or any part thereof that occurred in
the course of the delivery and which the Lessee ascertained upon receipt from the delivery carrier. Upon receipt of such claim, the Lessor shall send the Lessee a replacement of the Leased Item at the Lessor’s own expense.

2. In the event that the Leased thing ceases to be fit for use without fault of the Lessee, the Lessee shall inform the Lessor of this fact without undue delay. The Lessor shall, after writing the Complaint Report, send the Lessee a replacement Leased Case at his own expense.

Final Provisions

1. Any dispute which may arise between the Contracting Parties shall be settled primarily by an amicable out-of-court settlement. If these disputes cannot be settled amicably despite all efforts on both sides, they will be settled definitively by the competent court of the Czech Republic.
2. These GTCs contain the complete lease agreement and all the essentials that the parties had and wanted to arrange in the Lease and which they consider important for the binding of this lease.